

Beiträge 233
# Thema - 10.09.2009 - 11:40
Hab mal ein bisschen über nach x2k3 gesucht und was lustiges entdeckt schaut her:
hi all,
one moth ago I was banned from server because I killed one in my
team. It was a mistake: my enemy was near my friend. No time to write
"Sorry", in 2 seconds I was banned definitively.
I can't find an e-mail adress of that server, I was looking for it in forum
and homepage but I found nothing.
Can you help me please? I'd like to play in that server, ping good and my
preferite maps.
I'd like to say to Administrator that he's too young and inexpert to decide
if I can/can't play.
My nick name in official halo servers is ANACONDA.
thank you very much and sorry for my bad english,
gefunden auf -13-unbanned

